
Medication Adherence Universal Questionnaire is abbreviated as MAUQ, followed by the language version using:

Joining to validate a new language version

Research teams willing to validate a language version of the MAUQ should contact the developing team and show their interest. Validations should be made altruistically (no remuneration or payment are expected). The validating team should sign the Conditions to partner a cross-cultural adaptation and validation of a language version for the Medication Adherence Universal Questionnaire (MAUQ) available HERE.

Cross-culturally adapted versions must be created following any internationally accepted adaptation process for a psychometric instrument (e.g., ISPOR Principles of Good Practice for the Translation and Cultural Adaptation: doi 10.1111/j.1524-4733.2005.04054.x). To ensure the consistency among all the language variation versions of the MAUQ, before starting the validation, the developing research team must approve the final version, based on a comparative analysis of the original and back-translated version, with a discussion meeting with the validating team.

Validated versions

MAUQ-pt-PT.pdf: European Portuguese

Validating versions

MAUQ-pt-NG: Angolan Portuguese

MAUQ-en-US: American English